Action and Innovation for nature

Nature is in crisis. We must take bold action to restore and protect our wildlife and wild spaces for future generations. Will you help?

More about us

Kent Wildlife Trust is the county’s leading conservation charity, driving innovation to fight the climate and nature crises. We have over 32,000 members and volunteers, manage over 9,000 acres of land and influence much more. Together with our partners, supporters and grazing animals, we transform habitats, restore and protect species and bring ecosystems back to life across the county and beyond, to benefit wildlife and people. 

What we do in Kent

We want to restore 30% of land and sea by 2030 through our Wilder Kent 2030 strategy
Two flying chough

Goal 1 - We defend and restore

We'll continue to develop nature-based land management practices, while giving wildlife a voice through our campaigns and communications.

Goal 2 - We inspire and collaborate

We cannot deliver #WilderKent 2030 on our own. To inspire others, we will increase our engagement with communities, businesses and stakeholders to reach a larger, more diverse range of people.


Goal 3 - We strengthen and grow

We will innovate through continual learning from national and international best practice, and create and share it. This will allow us to become a more resilient, demonstrably impactful and sustainable organisation.

Dale Sutton/2020vision

Dive into nature

Join us in creating a Wilder Kent. We can’t do it without you.

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Help us deliver Kent’s 30 by 30

We're committed to realising the global target of 30% of Kent's land area in management for wildlife by 2030. Here are our goals:
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    of Kent's land and sea showing increased climate resilience & bioabundance

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    doubling the hectarage of our landholdings, creating quality wildlife habitats

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    of Kent's population taking action for nature

Our Campaigns

The stream and green banks at Ham Fen, Kent.

We work to raise awareness of the issues affecting wildlife

We campaign for positive change for nature and people and helping local communities to save special places for wildlife. We welcome the support of Kent's communities with these campaigns - together we can work to protect wildlife now and into the future.

A bison calf at Blean in Canterbury.

Work with us

Looking to align your business with a local charity that has a global impact? We're changemakers, but we can't do this alone - we need your support.

How you can support us

Our Blog

Go to our blog
A person sat on a garden chair in a garden, with lemons in the foreground.

How to create a garden for people and wildlife

Volunteer Wild About Gardens Advisor Penny Brook takes us on a journey through her garden to share how they create a flower-filled haven for both people to relax and wildlife to flourish.